The Crocus Project 2022/23 has launched!

Holocaust Education Ireland is delighted to announce the launch of The Crocus Project 2022/23!

The Crocus Project is an Irish initiative. Holocaust Education Ireland provides yellow crocus bulbs for pupils aged 10 and older to plant in memory of the children who perished during the Holocaust. The crocuses bloom around Holocaust Remembrance Day (27th January).

The Crocus Project is a tangible way to introduce young people to the Holocaust and raise awareness about the dangers of discrimination.

In 2021, over 530 schools in Ireland participated, with 38,000 bulbs planted across the country. The Crocus Project 2021 also saw 93,000 school children from 11 European countries taking part.

Participating teachers receive a free Teacher Handbook to use in the classroom.

To participate in The Crocus Project 2022/23, please complete the registration form here.


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